Who we are | Adopt Tibet

Who we are

ASIA (Associazione per la Solidarietà Internazionale in Asia) was founded in Italy in 1988 by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, former Professor of Tibetan Language and Literature at Naples University “L’Orientale” and one of the world’s leading experts in the history, philosophy and spiritual traditions of Tibet.


ASIA is active in many countries of the Asian continent (Tibet, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Mongolia, Buthan and SriLanka) and  in the regions of China inhabited by Tibetan people.


ASIA is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and formally became a Non-profit Social Organization in 1998.



ASIA considers the traditions, culture and historical heritage of the peoples of the Asian continent, and particularly of Tibet and the Himalayan region, a priceless treasure to be safeguarded and handed on to future generations through the engagement of communities in sustainable development processes.

In particular, ASIA shares the values of peace, respect and tolerance found in the cultural and spiritual tradition of Tibet, and regards these traditions as a heritage of all humankind.



ASIA is a humanitarian organization working for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in accordance with the principles of the Universal Declaration and the European Convention on Human Rights. ASIA works in favour of people in need of aid, without distinction of race, faith, religion or nationality.

ASIA is an independent organization, non-profit and apolitical.

ASIA operates in respect of cultural diversity and intervenes to enhance and safeguard local traditions, artistic heritage and traditional sciences to disseminate its knowledge in civil society.

In carrying out its projects, ASIA believes in the active participation of beneficiaries and involves the local communities in identifying constraints and in planning and managing the sustainability of the projects.

ASIA acts in respect of natural ecosystems by using materials and technologies with low environmental impact.

ASIA believes in the importance of universal education, a fundamental right and indispensable opportunity for all children. Education enables access to improved living conditions and ensures respect for the cultural integrity of a population.

ASIA chooses quality over quantity so it focuses on a limited number of projects by employing expert and motivated professionals who operate in compliance with the values of the association and the beneficiary populations.

Transparency and accountability are the pivotal points of the financial and economic management of ASIA.

Nepal: ricostruiamo le scuole

ASIA è sul posto dai primi giorni dopo il terremoto. E passata l’emergenza, non se n’è andata. È rimasta per dare una mano a ricostruire il futuro di molti bambini, a partire dalle scuole.

Fai un gesto che farà scuola

NEPAL Rebuild the schools

Let's rebuild together the schools destroyed by the earthquake.Now we need your help. The schools will be a safe place where the children can learn to grow up and will be protected from child trafficking.

Do something generous and donate now.