A.S.I.A.’s commitment to confidentiality for the protection of personal data. Information pursuant to the Law on the protection of personal data (Leg. Decree 196/03). For the purposes of and in compliance with. Leg. Decree n. 196 of 30/06/2003 – Single Law on Privacy – Associazione A.S.I.A. – Onlus hereby informs you, pursuant to Art. 13 of the said law, about the use of your personal data the protection of your rights.
A.S.I.A., on the basis of your consent (when requested by us and when given by you), is authorized for the treatment of your personal data.. Your data are only used in the ways necessary to provide information or services related to the association activities of A.S.I.A., including the sending of information and promotional material, by the exchange of correspondence, e-mail, sms, mms, and the managing of relationships with you (for example, request for donations, purchase of promotional material, request for participation in institutional promotional campaigns and so on). For some servizi, A.S.I.A. utilizes external companies which operate on your behalf and undertake services including data insertion, layout, printing, call center, banking and financial intermediation, transport and sorting of communications to the public, archiving of documentation and similar. The list of these is constantly updated and can be acquired easily and free of charge by submitting a request to the Administration. You are entitled to know at any time the contents of your data and how they are utilized. You are also entitled to have the data updated, integrated or cancelled, to request the blocking and oppose the treatment or such data in while or in part (as set forth in Art. 7 and following of Leg. Decree n. 196/2003). For all this, you may contact our persons in charge of data treatment by writing to Servizio Soci – Responsabile al Trattamento dei Dati – Via San Martino della Battaglia 31 – 00185 ROME – Tel. 0644340034 – Fax 0644702620 – email: info@asia-onlus.org
A.S.I.A. is committed to guaranteeing the utmost confidentiality of the personal data of its members and supporters, and handled during the undertaking of the activities set forth in its Statute. In particular, A.S.I.A. constantly adopts and updates its internal procedures to guarantee that the use of personal data with the purpose of undertaking direct communication takes place in the respect of the rights, basic freedoms and dignity of the persons concerned, and in particular the right to confidentiality and the right to personal identity. A.S.I.A. is committed to adopting the principle of precaution in order to prevent any form of illegal use of the treatment of personal data, even by mere negligence or lack of skill. In the treatment of the personal data used for direct communication, A.S.I.A. agrees to comply with the following rules of conduct:
a) Avoiding the unnecessary duplication of the data.
b) Acting promptly for the correction and updating of personal data.
c) Adopting all the necessary precautions to limit the number of recipients so that the message is sent to parties actually interested in receiving it and not to an indiscriminate number of persons.
d) Not using lists for message sending that have not been updated for over a year, unless this is necessary due to the nature of the communication.
e) Favouring the correction of mailing lists with notes on mail returned fro wrong address or recipient not found by delivery person.
f) Informing the parties concerned about the existence of centralized cancellation service, of Robinson lists and mail preference service.
g) Refraining from the use of lists the origin of which is not guaranteed and certain.
h) Refraining from communicating any information which might have confidential contents, even with the consent of the person concerned, unless this is strictly necessary for performing an obligation or providing an additional service to the member or the donor.
In particular, the persons in charge of treatment agree to adopt detailed internal regulations, defined by a planning document for the protection of personal data, thus implementing the principles indicated by the law and these regulations. The person in charge of treatment shall ensure compliance with the rules of the procedure and issue sanctions for any violations committed by your employees and collaborators. In relation to the minimum security measures required by the current legislation, A.S.I.A. agrees to respect the following criteria for protection of the data:
a) The person in charge of the treatment is committed to undertaking all the investments necessary for guaranteeing that the organizational structure adopted protects the confidentiality of the data treated;
b) The persons involved under any title in the treatment of the data shall ensure that third parties treating data in their name or on their behalf adopt adequate cures for the protection of the data from the physical, logical and organizational point of view;
c) The constant monitoring of access to the data base, using specific internal documents to identify the categories of parties authorized to use the same data.
Finally, in compliance with legislation in force, when according to the law the treatment does not assume the consent of the party concerned, A.S.I.A. agrees to use in advance any form of simplification enabling members, supporters and sympathizers to express and manifest the eventual declaration that they do not wish to receive certain communications. All the communications by A.S.I.A. have a “Cancellami” (Cancel me) link which you can click on to cancel the subscription to the newsletter.
ASIA è sul posto dai primi giorni dopo il terremoto. E passata l’emergenza, non se n’è andata. È rimasta per dare una mano a ricostruire il futuro di molti bambini, a partire dalle scuole.
Fai un gesto che farà scuola
Let's rebuild together the schools destroyed by the earthquake.Now we need your help. The schools will be a safe place where the children can learn to grow up and will be protected from child trafficking.
Do something generous and donate now.