
Long distance sponsorship is a project aimed to change people’s lives, not just those who benefit, but also those who decide to support at distance a child or a monk. In more than 25 years of activities, ASIA has allowed, with the long distance sponsorship project, more than 3,000 children to attend schools where their cultural identity was protected. Moreover it supported 640 monks.

Long distance sponsorship is not only a financial help toward those who need it, but it can be considered the establishment of a real relationship between two people who learn to know each other.

In recent years we have received many emails, letters and phone calls from supporters who share the story of two changing lives. It’s easy to get excited reading them … each one of us can be protagonist of change in his/her own life.

Cadel Evans adozione a distanza

Our visity to Manasarovar Academy

Betelli adozioni a distanza

At school with Tenzin Norbu

Manasarovar alunni

We’ve been there – Maria Rosaria e Francesco

Nepal: ricostruiamo le scuole

ASIA è sul posto dai primi giorni dopo il terremoto. E passata l’emergenza, non se n’è andata. È rimasta per dare una mano a ricostruire il futuro di molti bambini, a partire dalle scuole.

Fai un gesto che farà scuola

NEPAL Rebuild the schools

Let's rebuild together the schools destroyed by the earthquake.Now we need your help. The schools will be a safe place where the children can learn to grow up and will be protected from child trafficking.

Do something generous and donate now.